Financial Support / Donations


Please consider a donation to Niagara Huron Anglican Cursillo. Niagara Huron Anglican Cursillo is a non-subsidized organization relying entirely on donations and pledges from individuals. It does not receive any Diocesan or Corporate financial support. Niagara Huron Anglican Cursillo has a Sponsorship Fund which can subsidize the cost of a Three-Day Weekend for any participant who requires assistance. Team members working on a Weekend, are asked to pay the full cost themselves. Other expenses incurred by Niagara Huron Anglican Cursillo include advertising, brochures, publication of the newsletter, annual National Cursillo apportionment, travel expenses for our delegates to attend National Cursillo meetings, and operating costs. There are various ways to financially support the organization.

  1. Pre-Authorized Payment: this is the most beneficial method for both the organization and the donor. A PAP is automatic and once in place requires no further action.  We receive your stipulated donation regularly. At the end of the year, PAP donors receive a tax receipt for their yearly donations. As an example, $20 a month equals $240 a year which, at current costs, may pay for one participant to attend a Cursillo Weekend. Here is the Link to the PAP form for your convenience. Just fill out and mail to the Treasurer, address below.
  2. J.O.G. (Joy of Giving) Envelopes: These are available at Regional and Diocesan Ultreyas, and should be given to or mailed to the treasurer in the pre-addressed envelope.
  3. ONLINE DONATION / PAYMENT: With online banking we are making e-transfers possible.  Just follow the simple steps to set-up this form of payment.  Link to Steps.
  4. Toonie and/or Loonie plastic medication bottles: These small containers hold 50 toonies or loonies and are an excellent way of donating a part of your small change!  They can be turned in at the Ultreyas.
  5. Spontaneous, periodic donations: Any donation is gratefully received.

Whichever method you use, an annual income tax receipt is issued by the Diocese of Niagara. If making a donation by cheque, please make it payable to Niagara Huron Anglican Cursillo. Please ensure that a complete return mailing address accompanies your donation. Thank you for your support. Donations can be mailed to the address below or brought to any Ultreya.

Janice Toth, Treasurer, Niagara Huron Anglican Cursillo, P. O. Box 125, Mount Hope, ON L0R 1W0