Diocesan Ultreya – In person and Zoom : TBD If you are not on our email list and would like to be added, send your email request to niagarahuronanglican@gmail.com
Day of Deeper Understanding – This is a day of education for Cursillistas and friends. Our last event was May 25, 2024.
Cursillo Weekend #58: November 21-23, 2025 Mount Mary Retreat Centre, Ancaster, ON
Regional Ultreyas
Milton/Acton Ultreya
Also available via Zoom before starting time: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7221959740?pwd=WlZvYzJBdHVCNVJlZWFtYlF2YXJDdz09&omn=82471842143
Meeting ID: 722 195 9740Passcode: 784805
Cursillo related Meetings and Events
Ultreyas are open to all. These get togethers are no mystery and you do not need to have attended a Cursillo Weekend to come along. An Ultreya is an opportunity for Christians to come together for an evening of inspirational worship, to hear a witness talk about one example of how someone is trying to serve Christ, and to then share your thoughts on your own walk of faith, study and action, in small groups. If you have not attended a Cursillo Weekend and want to just come along and listen but not participate in the small group discussions, then that would be absolutely fine. If you wish to bring a guest who you think would find an Ultreya uplifting in their relationship with Christ, please invite them. Our goal is to be a community that encourages and supports each other, as each of us, in our own way, struggles to bring about change that will bring Christ into the lives of others. God bless. “Make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Christ”