Secretariat Job Descriptions


Lay Director:  Tim Standish – Chair of all Secretariat meetings. Responsible for upholding a spirit of unity and promoting the movement throughout the Diocese. Responsible for guarding the authenticity of the movement, and ensuring that the activities of the Cursillo Movement are aligned with the Bishop’s pastoral plan. Is mentor and ex-officio member of all committees.   Spiritual Director: Reverend Dr. Shirl Christian – Responsible for advising the Movement on spiritual and pastoral matters ensuring that the direction of the movement is in keeping with the Bishop’s pastoral plan. Promote Cursillo among the clergy. Chair meetings and acts on behalf of Lay Director when absent.   Pre-Cursillo  Chair:  Vacant  – Responsible for planning and implementing plans for the promotion and extension of the Movement in the Diocese, and endorsement of the Three-Day Weekend, through study of environments, publications, advertising, identification of potential leaders.   Weekend Chair: Carol Summers – Responsible for all aspects of the Three-Day Weekend – prepare lists of potential team coordinators and team members – review all aspects of the Three-Day Weekend to ensure Cursillo method is being followed – updating and storing all team manuals.   Post-Cursillo/Fourth Day Chair:  Shirley Kitchen– Responsible for promoting all aspects of the Post Cursillo (4th-Day), Group Reunions, Ultreyas (both Regional and Diocesan), prayer chain, liaison with other Cursillo movements with regard to palanca.   Continuing Education Committee Chair: Ann Mulvale – Responsible for developing and planning Continuing Education events; providing opportunities and training for Cursillistas to gain a broader understanding of Cursillo in keeping with the guidelines of the Movement.   Communications Committee Chair: Renee Anderson – Responsible for the Cursillo data base and website. Publish newsletter, coming events and other communications. Promote and raise the profile of Cursillo through the Niagara Anglican newspaper.   Music Committee Chair: Karen Galligan – Responsible for maintaining copyright licenses, song books and overheads of songs. Secure the services of musicians to work in various phases of the Movement as requested.   Member-at-Large:  Vacant– The members take on specific duties and responsibilities as needed by Secretariat. Often serve on above Committees.   Clergy-at-Large: Vacant – Works along side the Spiritual Director. Provides pastoral and spiritual advice. Often in training to take over Spiritual Director position.   Treasurer: Janice Toth – Responsible for all financial transactions, maintenance of financial records and preparation of financial statements relating to the Cursillo Movement in Niagara Diocese. Promotes and encourages donations and financial support for the operation of Cursillo Niagara.   Secretary: Pat Hyslop –Attends Secretariat meetings and records the minutes. Ensures all correct procedures are followed. Issues minutes to all Secretariat members with copies to Bishops of Niagara and Huron.